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What is a Coravin?

A Coravin is a wine storage system which allows you to enjoy a glass of wine without having to open the bottle. The system uses a needle that passes through the cork, and injects argon gas into the bottle when pouring the wine. This prevents oxygen from reaching the wine and creates a vacuum. Because the cork is unaffected, it can expand again as normal to seal the small hole. This prevents the wine from oxidizing and spoiling, so you can enjoy the same bottle longer! From weeks, months to even years!

The Coravin is a popular tool among wine lovers, sommeliers and restaurants. Premium wines can now be served by the glass over a longer period of time. That way you don’t have to worry about the wine spoiling before the bottle is empty. The tool can also be used by collectors to sample without having to open the bottle which reduces the value.

How to use a Coravin?

Position the holder above the neck of the bottle and push firmly, in one smooth motion across the neck of the bottle. Tilt the bottle with the spout above the glass. Push briefly against the lever, release and pour.

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